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August 26, 2024

OOH 101: Exploring the World of Place-Based Media

Changing how brands connect with consumers in the real world.

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has come a long way from traditional billboards and posters. 

One of the most impactful developments in recent years has been the growth of place-based media. This innovative channel is changing how brands connect with consumers in the real world.

What is Indoor Place-Based Media?

Let's start with the basics; indoor place-based media refers to digital displays strategically positioned in high-traffic indoor locations. Unlike traditional outdoor advertising, this medium allows brands to reach audiences in controlled environments where they spend a significant portion of their time. Here's why this matters:

  1. Contextual Relevance: Ads can be tailored to the specific environment, making them more relevant and impactful.
  2. Captive Audiences: In many indoor settings, audiences have fewer distractions, leading to higher engagement.
  3. Extended Exposure: People often spend more time in indoor environments, allowing for repeated ad exposure.
  4. Less Competition: Unlike cluttered online environments, indoor place-based media often faces less competition for attention.

Reaching People Throughout Their Day

Indoor place-based media has the unique advantage of being able to reach people in various aspects of their daily lives. Let's explore some key environments:

  1. Residential Spaces: Reach people in their comfort zones
  2. Office Environments: Connect with professionals during work hours
  3. Retail and Malls: Influence decisions near point of purchase
  4. Transportation Hubs: Engage travelers and commuters on the move
  5. Healthcare Facilities: Target health-conscious audiences
  6. Hotels: Access high-value travelers and event attendees

Stacking Locations for Enhanced Relevance

One of the most powerful strategies in indoor place-based media is the ability to "stack" advertising across multiple venue types. This approach allows brands to create a more cohesive and impactful campaign by reaching audiences at various touchpoints throughout their day.

For example:

  • A pharmacy could advertise not only in healthcare facilities but also in nearby residential areas and office buildings, creating a comprehensive local presence.
  • A financial services company could target professionals by advertising in office buildings, transportation hubs, and hotels, reaching their audience during work and travel.

By strategically combining venue types, advertisers can:

  1. Increase frequency of exposure to target audiences
  2. Reinforce messaging across different contexts
  3. Capture audiences at various stages of the decision-making process
  4. Create a more holistic brand presence in specific geographic areas

This multi-faceted approach to indoor place-based media allows for more nuanced targeting and increased relevance, ultimately driving better engagement and campaign effectiveness.

Bringing It All Together with Elevator Advertising

Elevator advertising allows brands to leverage the benefits of indoor place-based media in a single, highly effective format. It combines the contextual relevance of specific buildings, the captive audience of a confined space, and the frequency of daily routines.

  • Captive Audience: Limited distractions during rides
  • Repeated Exposure: Frequent views by regular occupants
  • Prime Visibility: Eye-level screens for optimal viewing
  • Brief but Impactful: Concise, memorable messaging

Research shows elevator ads receive 233% more attention than traditional DOOH ads and 150% more attention than static OOH advertising.

The Growing Importance of Indoor Place-Based Media

As consumers become adept at ignoring  and blocking traditional ads, indoor place-based media offers a powerful solution. By reaching people throughout their day in relevant settings, from elevators to mall corridors, this medium provides unparalleled engagement opportunities.

For brands aiming to cut through the clutter, indoor place-based media, especially elevator advertising, is becoming an essential part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. It allows advertisers to be present throughout a consumer's day, deliver contextually relevant messages, and capture attention in less cluttered environments – all while providing measurable results.

By understanding the unique advantages of this medium and implementing best practices, advertisers can elevate their campaigns to new heights of effectiveness and engagement, truly connecting with audiences where they live, work, and spend.

Start planning a smarter campaign today.