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September 4, 2020

I can see clearly now: How LASIK MD used new ad tech to target people with glasses.

LASIK MD + Vertical City adapted out-of-home ad tech to target laser eye surgery candidates.

Download the full case study now

Targeting like this is impossible, they said. It can’t be done in the out-of-home advertising, we heard.

But we proved them wrong... 

The marketing challenge went like this:

LASIK MD:  Why should we even spend any money out-of-home advertising. Can you target people who are most likely to consider a laser eye surgery?

Vertical Impression : Do you mean people wearing glasses that are of a certain demographic?


Vertical Impression: Hmm, not at the moment. But what if we modified our tech to target people wearing glasses and served them different ads based on their age and gender? You know, just like you can online.

LASIK  MD: That’s exactly what we need. That’s the perfect audience and potential customers…

We hacked our screens to connect LASIK MD with their ideal customer. Find out what worked and what didn't in this case study. You will learn:

  • How cross-team collaboration brought a brand new technology to life (and how you can use it).
  • How our tech enabled out-of-home ads to be targeted as effectively as ads used in online digital marketing.
  • How LASIK MD delivered 11M+ impressions to laser eye surgery candidates + used real-time A/B testing to maximize campaign performance.

Start planning a smarter campaign today.