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April 20, 2020

Behind Vertical Impression: Conversation between our CEO Fouad El-Masri and Accelerate Fund.

Learn about the early roots of our elevator advertising start-up

Read the full interview

We’re very proud of the team and the product we’re building here at Vertical Impression. It’s been a long journey to get to the place we are today - the largest national residential elevator advertising network across Canada and we're just getting started. 

Since we don’t intend to slow down any time soon, we want to share details about our journey through the world of digital-out-of-home advertising with all of you.

Recently our CEO, Fouad El-Masri, sat down with our partners and early-stage investors at Accelerate Fund, to share: 

  • The idea behind  Vertical City and the early on challenges of starting a tech company.
  • The importance of surrounding yourself with the right people and partners.
  • The future of Vertical Impression.

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